15 research outputs found

    Teaching Arabic in State Islamic University

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    Serving as the language of al-Qur'an and everyday Islamic rituals both individually and in public congregation, Arabic is a necessary tool for all Muslims to complete their religious duties; therefore, Arabic subject is offered elsewhere starting from PAUD education to university level in our Muslim majority country. This study is going to discuss a specific aspect regarding the strategy of teaching Arabic in higher education. This specific aspect has already been our concern quite a while; it related to the ‘upgrade’ or the transformation of IAIN institution into UIN in which there are faculties with non-religious subjects and their students whose background are of non-or-minimum earlier religious education. In general, they were educated in public high school and had not enough study in Arabic; they were succinctly not familiar with its linguistic peculiarities. Qualitative in nature and with naturalistic approach, this study unveils the urgency of Arabic language proficiency for these students of non-religious faculties. It reveals as well the need for a shift in teaching strategies at UIN for students in non-religious faculties, in a systematic and proper way so that they may develop interest towards the study of Arabic language

    Urgensi majlis taklim di lingkungan komplek perumahan warga sebagai wadah sosialisasi pemahaman Al QurĂĄn bagi ibu-ibu

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    INDONESIA: Salah satu wadah pembelajaran informal, yaitu majlis taklim. Lembaga ini mempunyai peran penting dalam membina dan meningkatkan kualitas umat dalam hal akidah Islam. Melalui majlis taklim masyarakat dapat lebih mendalami, dan menjalankan ajaran agamanya tanpa terikat dengan persyaratan dan ketentuan seperti yang terjadi saat belajar di lembaga formal. Majlis taklim adalah tempat pertama dalam sejarah Islam sebagai sarana sosialisasi Islam, pengembangan dan pemberdayaannya. Hingga saat ini majlis taklim tetap masih dijalankan, khususnya oleh ibu-ibu. Majlis taklim ibu-ibu banyak dilaksanakan di pedesaan, perkotaan, di mesjid bahkan dari rumah ke rumah. Maka pemahaman ayat-ayat dalam surat-surat pendek al Qur’an, pada khususnya, untuk ibu-ibu di majlis taklim di perumahan yaitu di Komplek Griya Cempaka Arum, Rancanumpang, gedebage, Bandung, merupakan langkah strategis penyebaran nilai-nilai Islam. Metode pengkajian pemahaman ayat al Qur’an tersebut diawali dengan pengenalan bahasa Arab dasar, dilanjutkan dengan memami makna kosa kata bahasa Arab dalam ayat-ayat al Qur’an tersebut, sambil dijelaskan kandungan nilainilai di dalamnya. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan teknik ceramah, penugasan dan dialog. ENGLISH: One of the most widespread centers for informal learning among Islamic communities in Indonesia is majlis taklim. Considered an important and productive place for imbibing a sound Islamic creed, majlis taklim gives the community a chance to be able to carry out their religious teachings without terms and conditions of formal institutions. Developed and empowered since earlier Islam, it is the first of its kind in Islamic history to function as a means of socializing Islam. The present day majlis taklim is still being carried out especially by mothers. Mostly carried out in rural and suburban areas at Komplek Griya cempaka Arum, Ranacanumpang, Gedebage, Bandung, in their mosques and private houses. A strategic step for spreading Islamic values among them is through learning al-Qur'an by memorizing and understanding its short verses; it begins with an introduction to basic Arabic, then its vocabularies and followed by understanding the meaning of the Qur’anic verses word by word side by side with the explanation of the values contained in it. This activity has been carried out through simple lectures, assignment and dialogue techniques

    Online-based teaching of Arabic translation in the era of Covid 19 pandemic restrictions

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    Background : COVID-19 outbreak has become a global pandemic as announced by the WHO. It sets the public to regulate social distancing as well as physical distancing. This realization within the public life engender working, teaching and all sorts of other activities to be carried out at home, work from home (WFH), and puts people to stay at home (SAH). Performed only at home, these activities require an online constructed data-based network which is new for some people affected with this regulation. Materials and Method: The teaching of translation being focused in this study is also arranged inevitably at home on an online basis. Using descriptive analytical methods, this study analyzes this online-based teaching of Arabic translation. This study will also disclose the teaching process along with its twists and turns, its technical flaws due to lack of internet quota and its weak signal. Results: This online teaching is arranged to fulfill the satisfactory performance required from both those parties. The material taught includes Arabic texts relating to COVID-19 and its socialization in groups with minimum number of participants not less than five students. This text, translated earlier in local language, is another effort to uphold local wisdom. Later, along with the description of the translation material, the students will be exposed to the combination between Islamic and local values. This online-based teaching is now seen necessary to apply not only in this era of outbreak, but also in settings other than it, as an alternative to traditional way of teaching where face-to-face interaction is compulsory

    Hubungan Asupan Lemak Dengan Kadar Glukosa Darah Pada Penderita Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2 Di Puskesmas Tawangsari Sukoharjo

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    Introduction : Diabetes Melitus can occur due to high blood glucose levels and insulin resistance. The indicator that needs to be considered in Diabetes Melitus is the monitoring of blood glucose levels. Many factors that affect blood glucose levels are age, gender, drug adherence, dietary compliance and nutritional intake including fat intake. Intake of fat plays a role in maintaining insulin sensitivity. High fat intake will reduce insulin sensitivity, adiponectin level which controls insulin sensitivity. In Tawangsari Health Center, the percentage of type 2 Diabetes Melitus is high, that is 83%. This study aims to determine the relationship of fat intake with fasting blood glucose levels in patients with type 2 Diabetes Melitus in Puskesmas Tawangsari. Method : This research method is observational with cross-sectional approach. Taking 27 research subjects by taking into account the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data collection of fat intake by directinterview using the Semi Quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire (SQFFQ) method for the past 1 months and data collection of blood glucose levels using venous blood samples by spectrophotometer method, to determine the relationship of fat intake with fasting blood glucose levels using Pearson Product Moment. Result : The results showed the study sample had adequate fat intake with a percentage of 66.7% and bad fasting blood glucose levels with a percentage of 81,5%. Statistical test results between fat intake and fasting blood glucose levels using the SPSS program showed that there was no relationship between fat intake with fasting blood glucose level (p=0,653). Conclusion : There is no relationship between fat intake and fasting blood glucose levels in patients with type 2 Diabetes Melitus in Tawangsari Health Centers. Nutrition education in patients with type 2 Diabetes Melitus to reduce fat intake needs to be increased. Keyword : fat intake, diabetes mellitus , and blood glucose levels

    Sifat Fisika dan Mekanika Kayu Jati Unggul "Mega" dan Kayu Jati Konvensional yang Ditanam di Hutan Pendidikan, Wanagama, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta

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    Kebutuhan kayu jati semakin meningkat dari tahun ke tahun seiring dengan peningkatan jumlah penduduk dan taraf hidup masyarakat. Di lain pihak, jati merupakan salah satu jenis dengan rotasi umur yang panjang. Selain itu, ketersediaan kayu jati dari Perum Perhutani belum mampu memenuhi kebutuhan kayu jati untuk industri. Oleh sebab itu, berbagai upaya telah dilakukan untuk mengatasi masalah ini. Salah satunya adalah dengan kegiatan pemuliaan pohon, dimana dalam kegiatan ini dihasilkan bibit unggul dengan sifat pertumbuhan superior. Akan tetapi, informasi mengenai sifat-sifat kayunya masih sangat terbatas, sehingga penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi mengenai sifat-sifat kayu terutama sifat fisika (kadar air, berat jenis, dan penyusutan) dan mekanika (kekuatan lengkung statis dan kekuatan tekan) serta variasi aksial kayu jati unggul tersebut pada umur yang masih muda yakni 11 tahun yang ditanam di Hutan Pendidikan Wanagama, Gunungkidul Yogyakarta dan dibandingkan dengan jati konvensional umur 14 tahun yang ditanam di lokasi yang sama. Sebagai hasilnya, sifat fisika kayu tidak berbeda nyata antara kayu jati unggul dan kayu jati konvensional, kecuali kadar air segar. Untuk sifat mekanika kayu, kekuatan lengkung statis (MOR dan MOE) serta kekuatan tekan sejajar serat berbeda nyata antara kayu jati unggul dan jati konvensional, sedangkan untuk kekuatan tekan sejajar serat tidak berbeda nyata.Kata kunci: jati unggul, jati konvensional, sifat fisika, sifat mekanika, umur muda.Physical and Mechanical Properties of Superior “Mega”  and Conventional Teak Wood Planted in Wanagama Educational Forest, Gunungkidul, YogyakartaAbstractDemand of teak wood increases every year along the increase of human population and prosperity. On the other hand, teak is one of the long rotation tree species. Furthermore, the avaibility of teak from the Perum Perhutani as the biggest teak plantation company is not enough to fulfill the demand of teak wood from wood industry. Therefore, many efforts have been conducted to solve this problem, such as by tree breeding program. In Indonesia, this program only focused in the growth characteristics. However, information of wood properties of superior teak is still limited in Indonesia. Therefore, the aim of this research was to clarify the physical and mechanical characteristics of superior teak wood (11-year-old) and compared with the conventional teak (14-year-old) planted in Wanagama Forest, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta and its longitudinal variation. As the results, physical properties were not significantly different between superior teak and conventional teak, except for green moisture content. Bending strength (MOR dan MOE) and compression strength parallel to grain were significantly different between superior and conventional teak. In addition, compressive strength perpendicular to grain was not significantly different between superior and conventional teak


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    Background: Dexamethasone is a synthetic corticosteroid most powerful one often used in treatment. However, as is well known the use of dexamethasone can lead to increased osmolality permeability of brush border membrane in kidney and body fluid retention leading to renal tract obstruction. This study aims to determine the effect of giving rise per oral dose of dexamethasone 30 days of renal histological features of Wistar rats and to know the minimum dose that can cause kidney damage. Methods: This was an experimental research study with the approach of The Post Test Only Control Group Design. The sample of 20 male Wistar rats were divided into four groups randomly,Tthe control group who were given only food and beverage standards, group P1 given dexamethasone orally with sonde 0.018 mg / day, a given group P2 0.731 mg / day, and group P3 which was given 1.444 mg / day. After 30 days mice then terminated. As the following the kidneys were sliced with HE stain. The proximal convulated tubules of Wistar rat’s kidney were examined. under a microscope in five fields of view per 100 tubules. The number of degenerated tubules which each treatment was then compared with the control group and other treatments. Result: Mean renal tubular damage is the smallest in the group of P1 is 37.60 ± 20.305, whereas the average of renal tubular damage is the biggest group P3 is 71.20 ± 6.91. Kruskall-Wallis test showed significant difference (p = 0.001). Mann-Whitney test showed significant differences in the K-P1 (p = 0.009), K-P2 (p = 0.009), K-P3 (p = 0.009), P1-P3 with (p = 0.009) and P2-P3 (p = 0.009). Correlation test showed Pearson correlation value of 0.909 Conclusion: There were relationship between increasing doses of dexamethasone on the increase of the proximal renal tubule degeneration rats. Keywords: dexamethasone, 30 days, kidney histological appearanc